Give an item from our shopping list
Would you care to choose something we need from our current shopping list, and donate all or part of the cost of that item?
Give an empty property
Do you have a property you’d be prepared to donate so the Trust can convert it to provide homes?
Donate your professional building expertise
Are you in the building industry and can donate some of your spare time and valuable skills to converting and maintaining our properties?
Donate your professional business expertise
Are you great at social media? Writing promotional content? Organising and running events? Whatever your profession please contact us to see if you can lend us some of your time and know-how
Find out about upcoming fundraising events and opportunities by signing up for our e-updates
You gift will help us continue our work in years to come.
There is no minimum amount and we can make good use of gifts of all sizes.
Gifts in the form of cash (known as a “legacy”) or a property that we could use to house people in need would be the most welcome
Making a will need not be expensive or overly complex. We will always recommend you use a solicitor or qualified will writer to ensure your wishes are set out correctly and the will is legally valid. They will need to know our full name, address and our registration number as a charity.
For more information and a chance to talk the matter through with us please contact Andrew Mason via the contact button below or by email:
There are 3 types of membership of Portsmouth Community Housing Trust. The membership represents the wider community and the Board is accountable to the membership.
Our Policy
Portsmouth Community Housing Trust (PCHT) is a Community Benefit Society with charitable status.
PCHT’s constitution, known as its Rules, sets out the role and responsibilities of ordinary members and also of the Board. Copies of the Rules are provided to all members.
Members identify with and share the values and purpose of the organisation. The benefits of membership are:-
• Having a say in the direction of the Trust through responding to consultations and attending members meetings.
• Attend the AGM to receive the annual report and elect board members.
• Receive regular news and events information
• Have volunteering opportunities to participate in a range and variety of community projects.
Application for Membership is open to:-
• Any individual or organisation (whether or not incorporated) with an active current interest in providing housing and tackling homelessness among the people of Portsmouth. (An organisation will need to be represented by a nominated individual.)
• Any resident of our properties but limited to one member per household.
When considering applications for membership, the Board will consider each application on its merits and this will include having regard to:
• Individuals, (including representatives of organisations), must support the objectives of the Trust.
• Potential conflicts of interest
• Conforming to the Trusts own rules.
• Availability of relevant skills or expertise.
• Members must be over 18.
Rule C14 states that ‘The Board has the power in its absolute discretion to accept or reject the application’.
Membership has a nominal value of £1, which may be called in by the Board at any time.
Applications for membership should be made through the form on our website
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